Friday, March 31, 2006

Finally Here....

So...6,190 miles later,,,,and I'm finally here....I arrived in Amsterdam at 9:30 this morning...and made it back to my house at about 11:30,,,took an 8 hour nap at noon, and now I'm just relaxing, meeting new friends, and planning on going back to bed soon, because I start working tomorrow in the cafe in the morning. Thank you all for your prayers,,,,my travel went really smoothly and I am safe and sound here in Amsterdam.

lots of love,

Thursday, March 23, 2006

.Moving to The Netherlands.

So...this blog is going to be all about my ministry in The Netherlands. I am going to be living in Amsterdam for three months from starting March 30th 2006. I can't wait. I'll be working for a Christian youth hostel called The Shelter
I can't wait to go and serve there. I'm sure you'll here all of my rants as well as my raves,,,hard times, funny times, and friends in this European mission I'm going on!! YAY!!! Most of all I can't wait to see what God does through me in this. It's going to be such a growing process!!

thanks for your prayers and support!!
peace and love, Sarah