Thursday, June 22, 2006

.Prayer is SO COOL.

Megs and I went on a really random camping trip to North Holland a few nights ago. It was amazing because we just rode our bikes around the park camp site area to find a good spot, then once we found one, we kept riding our bikes around and took some cool pics until it got dark. When we rode back to the spot we picked out to sleep that night, there was a couple there arguing near some of the other picnic benches. Meghan and I decided to read a little bit, but the fighting proceeded and got much worse until the guy was really yelling at the girl like hardcore. It was really lame, so Meghan said we should pray for them. We did. It was amazing because whatever we were praying for God was answering. We just prayed that the guy would find forgiveness and that he would stop yelling at the girl and that the girl would have angels of protection around her. It was amazing. We prayed for him to stop yelling and he stopped. Then we just praised God for answering immidiatelly. Then when we would stop praying, the guy would start yelling again. So we started praying over and over for peace and protection. And love and grace and forgiveness. It was so so so cool to see. By the end of the night...we were praying for salvation of their souls and for God to reveal Himself to them and for their lives to be changed and for Christians to be in their lives and to share the Gospel with them. It was one of the coolest times in prayer I've ever had.


At 2:42 AM, Blogger Dave Stoffer said...

spiritual beast, girls who pray are hotttt

At 6:30 AM, Blogger Holdermans in Mad(ison) City said...

nice website! You're such a pretty young lady - and look fantastic in those designer jeans. It's nice that you're so honest about your faith.


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